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Local Photographers Attend International Photographic Convention

Local Photographers Attend International Photographic Convention
Big things in store for clients of Tim Walck Photography

Coudersport, PA – Tim & Meg of Tim Walck Photography in Coudersport expanded their skills by attending Imaging USA, the longest running professional photographic convention and expo in the United States.  They joined thousands of industry professionals attending this event February 1-3 in Nashville, Tenn.

“This was a great experience for our studio.  We are believers in consistent, continuous education and the development of our craft.  We made many new connections, including a few world-class photographers, and formed alliances with product crafters, and photographic equipment distributers. 

Our clients can expect to see an expansion in our unique product line this year, as well as some exciting new event coverage options.”
-       Tim Walck studio owner

“Over the years, we have attended many conventions, but the highlight of each year was and still is attending Imaging USA,” adds former PPA President, Tim Walden.  “The education everyone has access to here is nearly unlimited, from speaker after speaker presenting their messages, to when friends come together and share.”

Photography classes focused on different specialties and tricks of the trade, geared toward improving business and photographic skills, including a slate of classes sponsored by Adobe on how to better use those software tools.  Imaging USA featured presentations from some of the biggest names in the industry, including Thom Rouse, Hanson Fong, Russ Harrington, Kareem Black and more.  

Education expanded beyond the classrooms at Imaging USA, too.  The Imaging Expo tradeshow highlighted hundreds of the industry’s leading vendors showcasing their products, and the Walcks were able to watch product demos and pick vendors’ brains for the best solutions.

“We have had a few ideas for product innovations and things we would like to offer our clients that are 100% unique.  At the expo, we were able to build relationships with professional imaging craftsmen and share these ideas.  We are very excited to see where we go from here,” says Tim.

For Tim and Meg Walck, the education and inspiration gained at Imaging USA will benefit clients in the coming year.  “This year we will be improving our workflow to provide an even speedier delivery of finished products.  On a totally different note, we will be offering more educational opportunities at our shop and in the community, because we both love to teach and help others.  We have never been this excited for a new year in business”, says studio owner, Tim Walck.

About Imaging USA
Imaging USA is the longest running national photographic convention, expo and image exhibition in the United States, drawing thousands of professionals from around the world.  Dating back to 1880, when it began as the annual convention and trade show for Professional Photographers of America (PPA,, the event is always growing and evolving.  Major components of Imaging USA are the three-day Imaging Expo   Imaging USA’s renowned educational classes are geared to improve a photographer’s business skills, photographic repertoire and use of technologies.  For more information, visit
tradeshow, several all-inclusive parties and presentations by some of the biggest names in the photographic industry.

About Professional Photographers of America (PPA)
Professional Photographers of America (PPA) is the largest international non-profit association created by professional photographers, for professional photographers.  Almost as long-lived as photography itself, PPA has roots back to 1869.  It has never stopped growing and looking for new ways to assist its now 27,000 members through protection, education and resources for their continued success in the industry.  See why photographers love PPA at .

Contact: Tim Walck Photography
(814) 260-0323


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