Finding the perfect match between you and your photographer is ideal. It is important to feel a connection with the person you are trusting to create the images of your special day and to value what they are doing for you.

For these reasons we don't list our pricing formula publicly. We want our customers to shop for us not a price. Our price could be higher, lower, or the same as other places they are looking, but we don't want them making a decision for their most important day based on a "good deal", or the idea of "if it costs more it must be better", as neither of those mind-sets are geared towards what is really important when choosing a wedding photographer.
We've seen companies charge double our highest rates, then hire low-cost help (aka, amateur photographers), give them a camera and let them go to town... the results? Not good. There was no personal connection... no love, nothing to really make the images special. It was just a business transaction and that's all the bride and groom will ever feel about their wedding images. We've also seen places that charge rates so low that it seems to good to be true. If it seems to good to be true... it usually is! If a wedding price is so low that it hasn't even reached the ball-park, then there is real concern for quality, professionalism and longevity of any (if any) finished products included.
We want our clients to make their photography decision based on trust, value, and love. The only way to create these three key elements is to meet with the potential client first and let them tell us about their wedding day. It is important that we get to know each other, share similar values and tastes, and feel comfortable with each other. By the time that the wedding date arrives, our clients are so familiar and happy to see us, that they have zero concern for how their images will turn out. They just know the results will be what they dreamed for! And with a mind-set like that, the likelihood of having the opportunity to photograph a happy glowing bride & comfortable smiling groom becomes very high.

For these reasons we don't list our pricing formula publicly. We want our customers to shop for us not a price. Our price could be higher, lower, or the same as other places they are looking, but we don't want them making a decision for their most important day based on a "good deal", or the idea of "if it costs more it must be better", as neither of those mind-sets are geared towards what is really important when choosing a wedding photographer.

We want our clients to make their photography decision based on trust, value, and love. The only way to create these three key elements is to meet with the potential client first and let them tell us about their wedding day. It is important that we get to know each other, share similar values and tastes, and feel comfortable with each other. By the time that the wedding date arrives, our clients are so familiar and happy to see us, that they have zero concern for how their images will turn out. They just know the results will be what they dreamed for! And with a mind-set like that, the likelihood of having the opportunity to photograph a happy glowing bride & comfortable smiling groom becomes very high.
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