I get to help lots of brides with wedding planning, and it is so much fun! I've had the opportunity to help organize everything from the flow of timelines, to reception hall lay-outs, to center piece design & build, and everything in between.
The best advice I can give a bride (this is for ANY bride - even if they aren't booking me a as their photographer) is to plan to invest in a wedding album.
An album will
gain value over the years. Think about it... in a year's time, your album will be worth more to you than when you first got it. In 5 years time, it will double, or even triple it's value to you. In 10 years, your album will be right up there with your engagement ring. Lets take a jump to 75 years! In 75 years, what would you value your album at? How could you attach a monetary association to it... by that time it is a
priceless piece of your history, a family heirloom, a visual story book of your most valued day - an irreplaceable item.
What other piece from your wedding will literally gain value after your wedding?
So, when you are planning your wedding, talk to your photographer and find out if he/she makes an album. If so, pick their brain about its quality. Ask questions, like - Is it printed with real light-sensitive photographic paper, or is it a press album from an inkjet? Is the paper archival/museum quality? What is the rated image stability for these materials, under what kind of conditions? Find out what the rated life of the cover materials are, and then ask the photographer why they choose those materials to construct their albums.

The next step is to plan the album a little bit, so that you and your photographer can determine the level of investment you will be making. A timeless, well-built wedding album has lots of design time, high quality materials, hand-construction, and a team of seasoned professionals working together to build it, so you should expect the album to be a highly valued product.
Thanks, and I hope this article gives you some insight for planning!
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