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Hey Tim! How Much Does It Cost?

Today I’m going to answer one of my most frequently asked questions – “Tim, how much does it cost?”

-Great question.

You may notice I don’t post my prices online.  And the reason for that is that it would take way too much space to list all the things that make up a price.

What do I mean by that?

Finished products – there are so many unique things I create, and trying to type about them online does no justice for them.  They are things that you physically have to see in person, touch, feel, and ponder.

My whole product line is made from the highest quality materials from the best of the best professional labs in our country.  I do this so that your images will be passed down through generations – which is the whole point of having your photos made.

The second point for figuring out a price, is once you have come to the shop to see what you like, we chat about your session.  Once I know what it is you like, and how we are going to present your images, then I know which gear to bring, and how much time it will take to create the images you want.  We simply add the time and materials needed for your finished piece together, and BAM you have a price.  J

So – just stop in the shop, see what you like, we’ll talk about your session, and get you a price.

Call today for more info!  (814) 260-0323

Thanks very much!


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