Fall is one of my favorite times of the year! I love the fully saturated colors of the leaves, the cool breeze, and the smells of the fall festivals! This is also one of the busiest times of the year too! I always have a plethora of kids and adults stopping in the shop looking for donations to their organizations for fundraising, then I have the shoots that I give away for the fundraisers, plus the shoots that I already have booked so I can have an income... and on top of that - the increased yard work from those pretty leafs falling all over the lawn!
I've decided this year that I'm going to stick to 8 hour days at the studio, because I love spending time with my daughter. I want to watch her play in the yard, take her to the park, and go for autumn bike rides. Sometimes I tend to get too caught up in my own work, and I know I don't spend enough time with her or my beautiful wife. So - even though I absolutely love what I do at the shop, and making images for people is the best job I could possibly have, I plan on putting my time where it counts the most. Family.

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