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Senior Model Search for Class of 2015

2015 Senior Model Program

-       - Discounted Senior Portraits ($365 Value)
-       - Opportunities to earn CASH
-       - Resume building experience
-       - Up to 3 complementary sessions throughout the 2014 summer for the selected model and their family. Total value up to $1,765

  •  Model Session ($650 Value)
  • Optional Family Portrait Session ($250 Value)
  • Optional Friends Session ($250 Value)
  • Optional 2nd Modeling Session ($250 Value)
  • Discounted Senior Portrait Session ($365 Value)
Who is eligible?
-       Students of the 2015 class.
-       Students of Coudersport, Port Allegany, Oswayo Valley, Galeton, and Northern Potter schools, or who are Home School learners.

How do I apply?
First, applicants must attend the info night with their parent(s) or legal guardians.  Info night is Wednesday April 30th, 6PM, at the Tim Walck Photography Studio in Coudersport.  The final application submission date is Wednesday May 7th by midnight.  (For those who cannot make this meeting and wish to apply, please contact Tim to set up a meeting date).

Applications will be judged by a panel of 3:  one photographer, one marketing expert, and one schoolteacher.  Criteria for judging are based on applicant’s GPA, extracurricular activity involvement, and post high school plans.  Looks and “beauty” have zero impact on the judging process.  Judges will not receive a name or image of the applicant.  They will receive only an application and a number.  Applicants will be notified via phone of their application status no later than May 21st, 2014.

A limit of 5 Models will be chosen for the 2014/2015 school year.

For more information, please contact Tim: (814) 260-0323


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